Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cap and Trade Will Prohibit Innovation in Energy

The 648 page American Clean Energy Security Act of 2009 is currently being considered by Congress as a way to usher in a new era of clean green energy, and a plethora of jobs along with it. This is the Cap & Trade program (scam) that Obama spoke of over a year ago that would "bankrupt the coal industry," and "necessarily cause energy prices to skyrocket."

I'm confused. Seriously, head-scratching, slack-jawed, eyes-darting-through-space-as-if-trying-to-pull-comprehension-from-thin-air confused. How exactly is a government run program that will bankrupt the coal industry (why aren't they entitled to a bailout, by the way?) and cause energy prices to skyrocket going to be good for our economy? Talk about a bad time for Joe Sixpack. First, he gets fired from his job at the coal plant because his boss couldn't afford to pay him anymore, due to the new fees he must pay for the privilege of producing carbon emissions. Then, a few weeks later, Joe's electricity is shut off because, being unemployed and all, he can't afford to pay his electric bill that has doubled or even tripled in cost. His old boss had to make up the cost of the new government fees by laying off portions of the work force, and by raising his prices to the consumer.

Where does that money go anyway? It will subsidize the green energy market, which will then ensure that green energy never becomes successful. Why feed and care for a cow when your neighbor is forced by the government to bring around a fresh pail of milk every morning?

Do you know what's going to create green energy? People actually wanting it. Mother Necessity and all that. Here's a little reminder for you that will having you humming along all day:

If people really wanted green energy, they would pay for it, even if it cost more. If enough people stopped purchasing *dirty* energy, it would no longer become profitable to produce it. It would then become necessary for the coal plants and oil refineries to step out of the way of the newer, cleaner form of energy production.

Now some people might say that new methods of producing cleaner energy need a *gentle nudge* from the government through the American Clean Energy Security Act of 2009. They may say, "It's not fair that it costs more to produce green energy, and it's not fair that consumers have to pay for the extra cost. Therefore, the government must step in and regulate energy production, for our own good."

Phooey. I don't think the energy industry needs any help from government. People will buy green energy when they want it, and if it's a better product than our current energy produced mainly from coal and oil, our country will slowly begin to make the transition to the newer forms of energy production. And guess what? As the new energy gained popularity, the price would begin to decline, making it affordable to the middle class.

Before 1908, automobiles were playthings of the rich, costing upwards of $3,000 (average income was less than $500 per year). Thanks to the innovation and determination of one man, Henry Ford, the automobile ownership finally became achievable for the middle class in 1909, with the Model T, costing $850. By the 1920s, the price had fallen to $300. The government didn't step in and force production of automobiles. Cars were a better mode of transportation than a horse and buggy. The market demanded an affordable car. People like Henry Ford produced it. When the market demands clean energy, I promise you in the American spirit of ingenuity, an entrepreneur like Henry Ford will deliver us clean energy at an affordable price.

Until then, I'm begging our representatives, senators, and President Obama to please get down off their elitist high horses and stop making decisions "in the best interest of the people." I'm not sure how much more of your help we can take.

1 comment:

I can't find my blog said...

I can't help but think of the poor farmers that are being forced (already) to produce corn for ethanol- butt load of corn for one tank and has pushed the bushel price for corn-a staple for feeding hungry people-through the roof. There's not even enough of these cars to support it.