San Diego took part in a nationwide Tea Party Protest today in protest to the Obama Administration's bailout plan.
It was a great turnout, and amazing to see so many opposed to the redistribution of hard earned wealth to slackers working part time at McDonald's.
Speaker Michael Crimmins

Speaker Leslie Eastman

We even had a sailboat in attendance! The sign says, "Repeal or Retire."

Some of the crowd

Protesters lined the streets
I'm sorry, do you honestly believe that people working part time at McDonalds are truly slackers?
Unless it's a 2nd or 3rd job, or they're going to school full time, then yes.
What about the people who can't get employed anywhere. The people who try day after day to get a job and can't get better than McDonalds, or even worse, the people who were told they were over qualified to work at McDonalds but no place else will hire them.
Maybe I should have made it clear that there is absolutely nothing wrong with working at McDonald's. It's a great company, and I'm sorry they're getting a bad rap in this post. I should have been more general and said, "Slackers working part time in the service industry." I chose to use McDonald's as an example because of Julio Osegueda.
There is always work to be done. Always. It just might not be the kind of work a particular unemployed person would want to do. But that is not my problem, and I don't want a chunk of my hard earned paycheck being taken away from me to support someone that does nothing but work part time at McDonald's and then goes home to play their PS3. I would rather DONATE that money to a family with parents truly trying to make it, spending their free moments playing with their kids and helping with homework.
It is not charity when the government comes in and confiscates money that I have earned and gives it to people that they deem worthy of it; people like Julio Osegueda and Peggy Joseph and Henrietta Hughes.
You are not a victim, and no one owes you anything, and for the government to say otherwise is condescending to that person. It says, "Here, have a handout, because I know you're not really capable of ever rising above your current position. Don't worry, you wouldn't want to anyway, because if you ever do make it, you'll be paying taxes out the ears to support the drop-out slackers living at home with their parent and working a part time job in the service industry."
Great post! Glad you made it to a Tea Party. I am hoping to get my recap of the Atlanta event up in tonight or early in the morning.
Great post! Glad you made it to a Tea Party. I am hoping to get my recap of the Atlanta event up in tonight or early in the morning.
Will there be a people power in America? I hope it won't happen.. More rallies sprang up..
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